Thursday, June 25, 2009

you laugh at the easy stuff

I get it, having a blog is like a full time job. You don't just take off as you like. You stay abreast of the matters in blogosphere and read up on trade publications and attend seminars.

I haven't been doing any of those. But I've made a few observations here in California:

  • People will cue for the iPhone in the mall
  • People will express themselves with car stickers
  • People listen to your conversations
What does this mean for marketing? Make more product launches in the mall, give out free car stickers and last but not about your brand all the time!

On a more serious note, I now understand why Jon Steel advises people to have lives outside of marketing theory and such. It makes sense because some of the best ideas/insights come out of conversations.

Random "vaca" pictures:

<-- bitter republican, haha!

the title is a direct quote from my 9 yr old cousin

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

good morning Honey Chicken

In true jet lag fashion I am up at 7:30 am eating crispy honey chicken & white rice. As far as my body is concerned I'm having a late lunch (according to London time).


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Greetings, I come with good news!

I wasn't abducted by aliens. Although that would make for an interesting post :) Over the past 3 weeks I've been working as a planning placement at VCCP. The agency behind comparethemeerkat, O2 & a host of other memorable campaigns (check out the binge drinking viral). I learned a whole lot and I'm grateful to Amelia for making a post about the position. If you're looking for experience in planning, I recommend it. It's a cool agency.

In other news, I might have not been abducted by aliens but I'm certainly in another planet. A land of dry heat, oranges and sunshine...the natives call it "California" :)

We were flown in by the 'Indian Princess' (pictured above)