The APG are having a 12 8 week training course and Mr Steel was the first speaker to impart his knowledge on us all. The room was packed with planners and research folks (as well as delicious appetizers). Just as I imagined, he was down to earth and a likable guy. He gave us a presentation on "What is planning and why is it cool?" and we later found out, as he joked, that the title was picked by the APG. Here are ten tips he elaborated on during the presentation:
Planning is a philosophy, not a discipline
Great planning does not require planners (throw away the ego)
Planning represents harmony between logic & intuition
Planning was born out if ANGER (agencies were through with bureacratic research processes)
Planning is nothing without information
Planning is storytelling (one of my favorite points)
Planning is listening (whats that you said? :P)
Planning is the application of common sense
Good planning is simple
Planning is about possibility
And so as I drop my bags to settle in a new city that holds a few old memories. I look on to the possibilities (positive I will add!) planning offers me...and vice versa
The amount of planning material on the web is massive. I have so many questions, why? how? what? when? who? really? huh? no? ok? where do I start?!
At my first job I dreamed of a paperless society because call reports and telephone notes created clutter on my desk and now I'm sitting in front of my laptop with all the clutter in my brain.
Excuse the fact that my title might have no relevance to this post. You see, I type as I think sometimes. Maybe on a subconscious level it is related. It sounds "markety" sloganish enough right? :P
I started blogging during my first year at college. Back in 2001, I had an assignment for my theater class to bring something I considered as my piece of art. Art was defined as "an expression of yourself" or some other romanticized thespian definition. I hadn't started painting by the time, and to be honest, I spent too much on the Internet to have any I thought, why not my blog?
My blog was the 17yr old version of a paper journal. I wrote mostly about relationships and tried to promote my website. 9.3Oam on monday morning, halfway through the presentations (people singing, acting, giving us their life story) I walked in front of everyone with a printout of my blog
"I consider my blog to be my art." "Your what, your blob?"
They looked at me like I landed from planet mars. I looked at them and wondered if that was true. No one. Not a single person in the audience knew what a blog was. And if they did, s/he was too good of an actor to show it. I explained the idea, felt a little dorky and went back to my seat. "What do they know?" I thought.
And here I am today, posting in my very first blog post on blogspot -- the MacDonald of blogs. commercialization of art is what they call it.