The APG are having a 12 8 week training course and Mr Steel was the first speaker to impart his knowledge on us all. The room was packed with planners and research folks (as well as delicious appetizers). Just as I imagined, he was down to earth and a likable guy. He gave us a presentation on "What is planning and why is it cool?" and we later found out, as he joked, that the title was picked by the APG. Here are ten tips he elaborated on during the presentation:
Planning is a philosophy, not a discipline
Great planning does not require planners (throw away the ego)
Planning represents harmony between logic & intuition
Planning was born out if ANGER (agencies were through with bureacratic research processes)
Planning is nothing without information
Planning is storytelling (one of my favorite points)
Planning is listening (whats that you said? :P)
Planning is the application of common sense
Good planning is simple
Planning is about possibility
And so as I drop my bags to settle in a new city that holds a few old memories. I look on to the possibilities (positive I will add!) planning offers me...and vice versa
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