Friday, June 25, 2010

Lateral Fridays

Depending on the way you look at it, Friday either signals the end or the beginning.  Is it the end of an awesome work week? or the beginning of a horrifying weekend? Our topic today is about changing our perceptions to explore alternate posibilities. It's about recognizing our pattern of thinking and removing barriers in order to tap into our creative spirit. Here's a video from the mastermind behind the concept of Lateral Thinking: Edward De Bono.

Lateral thinking is an area of interest for me because it opens doors that we never even knew existed. Do You Recognize These 10 Mental Blocks to Creative Thinking?

Here are two examples of lateral thinking:
If you haven't already watched Valentine's Day, I thoroughly recommend it. Not only is it a funny movie but the unexpected relationships and individual story resolutions make the plot a very good example of lateral thinking at work. I personally think that the art of writing (whether writing scripts for movies, TV shows or non-fiction books) involves a lot of lateral thinking because writers tend to play with our preconceived notions to produce twisted resolutions that make us love the shows, movies and books that we do.

Another example is by LoveJozi, a T-shirt company based in Johannesburg, South Africa.

If you can't beat the competition, join become 'em. (:

Have a great weekend!

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